Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento
6600 Bruceville Road, Sacramento CA
A beautification project called for updated artwork through a two-story MOB on the South Sacramento medical campus. With a strong commitment to representing local artists, we commissioned four custom pieces and completed a package of over 60 pieces of art in total, creating a gallery-like atmosphere. In an effort to bring in new mediums to break up the monotony of the windowless interior corridors, one of the key pieces is comprised entirely of delicate bird feathers, while another has three large wood panels of bright, abstract aerial view of the region spanning ten feet, showing variety and interest throughout the space and recognition and commitment to the talented local art community.
“Gather,” by Chris Maynard, is comprised of naturally shed crowned crane feathers mounted on cotton paper. Feathers are carved into the shapes of blackbirds and mounted on tiny entomology pints, creating a separation from the background paper for a shadowing effect. Blackbirds, frequently seen in the Sacramento area, support one another in large family groups, singing and nestin gin cattails in the spring and summer and flying in groups to find food in the fall and winter.
“The Higher Calling of Our Chemistry,” by Bryan Valenzuela, seeks to capture the moment of connection, a rendezvous in the present tense where presence of mind and presence of touch both stand apart from either past or future. The figures (modeled after the artist’s parents) are drawn with handwritten text, shifting in size and density to create shadowing and form.
Delta landscape paintings by watercolorist Elizabeth Bowers bring a sense of famitiarity and locale to a waiting area.